Thursday, January 20, 2011

the undecided one..

ahh such an ocean of possibility..
but i can't seem to wrap my head around one..
just one, just one oh please..
i just can't decide..

many factors seem to affect my decision..
but in the end it still comes down to me..
oh pressure but I still take my sweet time..
haha well I only follow MY timeline of course..

maybe i just like to marvel at all these open doors..
may be just stay this way, a lot of choices ahead never to shun any..
nah but i'll go nowhere at this state..
but this pondering stage seems so endearing..

Just didn't want to pursue something and not be happy..
just wanted to keep my options open..
and dream endlessly and live in it..
bah its all right..nothing will happen if i wont try..

just focus and steady my head..
if only i could.. make up

my undecided mind..

let me think about that, hmm

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