Sunday, January 30, 2011

Of mediocrity and infamy..

Shall i choose a life of luxury?..
As fortune favors the bold or so they say..
O will I settle for the simple things?..
A simple meal without the trimmings..

A pathetic existence? I think not..
for all I need is what I got..
A pocket full of change as i ponder..
Is there more to this I wonder..

Living the life completing the dream..
But no one there as i raise my glass to victory..
all thats left.. Nothing just me..
I think, there must be something in between?.

Ill, place my bets, stand my ground..
for in that space I am bound..
To find that spot in the midst of it all..
And keep myself straight, try not to fall..

to neither mediocrity or infamy..
and stay in the spot where I should be..
Keep myself intact with everybody..
So as to save myself from insanity..

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