I walk towards the jeepney bay and wait..
during which I reach in my bag grasping..
looking for that thing that can make my trip..
worthwhile i guess..
after which i discovered "dammit I forgot"..
I forgot my earphones,my passage way towards
a lively journey, to put taste on my bland..
and tasteless travel..
I am opened to the world which I escape..
from the first moment I took my ride..
a weeping baby.. 2 blockheads discussing gossip..
an angry driver..oh what the hell?!?!
Cramped seats, increasing temperatures..
Oh man my longest commute yet..
wrong stop! and the driver just smiles..
and a yell for good measure..
tsk tsk..
On my way back.. I discovered something..
two lovers enjoying the way home..
little children eager to play..
a friendly driver..
ah! what do you know?
Hmm maybe there's more to it that i should
decipher.. the wonders of daily commute..
capable of good or evil huh?
so simple yet complex..
Brought my earphones the next day..
A moment of hesitation..
and then...
NAH I'll stick with my music..
oh well..