Friday, July 5, 2013

From Scratch..

Born with a silver spoon but now broken dirtied and bent..
It seems that a good life was not enough and I was meant..
to find something greater and become someone better..
And so the spoon was soiled and kept out of reach..

Underneath a pile of rubble I dig and I search..
for this elusive ticket to comfort and  the door towards..
the easy way out... A way away from all the madness and strife..
not knowing that along the way I am experiencing "the" life..

With each desperate effort I claw my way through..
My body strengthens and my mind restarts anew..
A determined will and a focused gaze.. towards a new agenda..
Re-emerging as a new entity all together..

Hoping to find that spoon again someday..
To build a better future and pass it on to the next..
Regain, reinstate what once was.. but now worthy..
to be better than what I used to be..

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