Friday, December 11, 2009

What the hell have I've been doing...

Ahh the changing times..
Such a neutral factor in life..
Yet the only thing that is constant..
In this world we live in..

Which brings to mind the question of..
What have I been doing with my life lately?.
Well.. career-wise its been a bust, which it shouldn't be..
But this certain change has been all the rage recently..

Why should I bother with this?.
To indulge my self in this new fad..
Yeah i wanted what everybody had..
and because it was getting lonely..

Then I asked my self another question..
What were the other things you did during this career void?.
Its far from being bust a can say!.
I can almost say that there was a purpose why this happened..

Alas.. God has His intentions with everyone..
Just need to find where i belong and i will..
soon enough...

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