Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Darkness and My Light

I'm at a stage in my life where in I must make a choice...
a crossroad if you may..one where there is no turning back..
but strangely, even if I'm still choosing, I've already decided
My path its so clear i can feel it.. My darkness..

Darkness is such a vague word.. for me it's knowledge..
knowledge that the world is not the place it thought it was..
knowledge that what I used to be has no place in this world..
My darkness.. is to say goodbye to my innocence and naivete.

Not to be melodramatic but i feel as though this is the way..
I'm not emotionally burdened or depressed about my life as some might think..
the truth is I'm happy with life right now and I'm enjoying every moment of it..
I have my experiences to thank for taking me this far..

I am happy with the choice that i have made.. this evolution will certainly help me..
help me turn into a better version of what i used to be..
This journey into the dark will definitely make me stronger..
and would aid me in the search for....

My light.. I believe that only in my darkest moments is where i would find
this supposed light.. A light that would never go away a light
that would shine bright and restore my faith..
What is this light? more accurately who?.. I don't know..

So come what may as a partake this journey.. I bid the past adieu and hello to tomorrow..

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