Saturday, February 19, 2011


Hungry is the artist without an outlet..
a bucket full of ideas..
a balloon bursting with content..
all gone to waste..

A blunt sword of a pen..
An instrument out of tune..
Discover a focal point..
release and reload..

Ghosts of ideas down the drain..
Avenge and let justice be done!..
just find the socket..
plug and play.. repeat as needed..


Oh such gravitational pull!..
the more I run away..
the more I am pulled back..
with such definitive force..
without even raising a finger..

blurring intentions and purpose..
trying to pull things together..
restrict and cut the vein!..
prevent this cute poison..
from spreading further..

So much for an effort so stray..
away from all the darkness..
when it ensnares..
just keep walking..

I'll make it through..


Venture in an unknown world..
Open up new possibilities..
to tread the water softly
minimize the ripples..

yeah thats the trick..

To emerge unscathed..
such a hard thing to do..
there's always a trap or two..
so easy to trip over..

probably best to..

Remember my reasons..
for this immersion..
and with it arise..
be resurrected..

as a better person..

Monday, February 14, 2011

Broken Mind..

An initial shock!..
Deranged distraught..
a reshuffle of the boggled mind..
with little time to spare..

mental notes shatter to pieces..
scribble thoughts..
spewing gibberish left and right..
dreadful yet enlightening..

a momentary separation..
to look at things as they are..
from a different angle..
from a bigger perspective..

this fine line between insanity and reality..
has provided crystal clarity..
between a the big picture..
and a simple caption..

break the cycle and cancel the noise..
within the simple silence lies deafening echoes..
echoes of the heart and soul long forgotten..
buried under the rubble of uncertainty..

fix my head with this broken mind..


Broken and taken to the limit..
stripped from the comfort zone..
did what was needed to move on..
what of the broken shell?

form the debris emerges a stoic being..
born into an unknown world..
plunged deeper into the darkness..
but carries within him..

blood, sweat,tears, memories and.. wisdom..

detached from the world he called his..
but stronger and better in the midst..
of destruction and reinvention..
a dark shell a neo entity..

staring away at a wasteland.. stronger..better..darker..

A Fight worth fighting..

A punch worth throwing..
for those that matter..
a selfless blow..
for those in need..

determination to be strong..
conviction to hold on..
never was a punch too weak..
than one thrown for the meek..

as I stand up bloodied and battered..
and think about what a life i had..
I snap back before the final blow is struck..
and come out on top with my hand held high..

I realize the fight worth fighting..

is laying it down for the heart's silver linings..


I am a sellout..
sold out to all my fears...
my indiscretions..
all for the greater good..

made peace with my demons..
out of necessity..
to achieve a higher level..
to answer a deeper calling..

another step in evolution..
to say the least..
we'll see if the gears fit..
and the cogs start moving..

have you sold out lately?

Friday, February 4, 2011


A place for everything..
and everything in its place..
as the pieces fit accordingly..
shall i stand by idly?..

and let the things fall in place..
everything an equivalent..
an occupancy in space..
should I cross fate?..

Glide along with the winds of change..
shake hands with fate..
and let the things that do not fit..
be changed and replaced but never forced..

the grooves are there for a reason..
and holes with intricate shapes..
never could fit anything I shouldn't..
hence my puzzle incomplete..

let all things fall in place in their own time place and method..

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


A mark of identity to say the least..
as with this ink I imbue my skin..
but wait there are elements that bother..
my transition from this one to another..

a certain way to surface..
values and principles..
hence show casing who I am..
underneath all this Ink..

not to hide but to describe..
not to deface but to inscribe..
things from the past present and future..
if only the powers that be could let me..

tell my story with my body..
even if for myself only..
so hold your advice as none will suffice..
and contradict my decision..

to scratch the exterior and fill it up..
with art none the less..
life giving ink..
fill my body thats in distress..

The Archer..

I shoot an arrow through your heart..
right through your very core..
and willingly expose your soul..
to the truth that i bring..

I breath life as i collect the spoils..
of a venture well done..
and as you look at me with ambiguity..
all will be clear as the dust settles..

I shoot you at pointblank..
no anonymity required..
as thats how it should be..
look into my eyes directly..

as i let the arrows rain and set you free..


Habang naliligo aking nakita..
Isang bote ng shampoo..
at ako'y napaisip..
pagkaubos neto parang..
mahabang panahon na ang lumipas..

habang ako naman..
ay naggugupit ng kuko..
ako muli'y napatanto..
dapat may narating na ako pagkahaba
muli neto..

parang andaming bagay na nakikita..
at ginagawa pang araw araw..
na parang hindi napapansin..
ngunit may malalim na kahulugan..
na lingid sa pandama pandinig at paningin..

maikli lamang ang takbo ng panahon..
kaya't wag sayangin at wag umayon..
sa mga hinihingi na sayo nama'y nagpapahikbi...
lumaban ka at ika'y bumangon..
gisingin ang sarili at harapin ang hamon..

sapagkat kakarampot ang ating ilalagi..
bago tayo bumalik sa nagmamayari..
ng buhay na ito na ating hawak..
ay mawala lamang ng parang bula..

Monkey wrench..

to Thwart or so it seems..
an unintentional buzz-kill..
an indeliberate kill joy..
to say the least..

plans that are set in stone..
a solid fact that is not known..
for it still lets loose..
and everything crumbles..

and beneath the rubble..
an innocent claim..
everything decimated..
but unwillingly of course..