Saturday, December 11, 2010

Laid to rest..

Laid to rest my goal and ambition..
set aside the driving force..
that got me where i am..
throw everything away..

why you ask? why indeed..

for someone who has found the light..
its easy to be fooled, have blinded sight..
but the warmth it wreaks, all to familiar..
I think, I'll stay and lay to rest..

Lay to rest all that is against it..
to put out all i see besides my light..
let it go, leave it be, no regrets..
A heartbreaking choice none the less..

Oh well i say thats just the has to be..

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I am not you I am my own..
Mistakes of the past
not set in stone..
To be copied
Reiterated over again..

I am my own I run my course..

In an image and likeness
but not a copy..
A great honor and privilege..
but will never be the same..
As I come of age..

I am my own, You are with me..

But I'm not you..

Physiological Suicide..

I'm Tired I'm bored..
Tired of being tired..
Tired of being sad..
Tired of the pain..

Tired of everything..

On the verge but i see light..
Webs of purpose entangle me..
Silver linings of the heart..
Shining, Gleaming me through..

I snap back desperately holding..
To these latches..
Embrace this symbiote..
Never to let go and unbind..

Only to save my state of mind..